"Nick Would Disembowel Him On The Air" - Skip Bayless Reportedly Won't Work With Nick Wright Because He Doesn't Want To Look Bad At His Job

With Shannon Sharpe's departure from Fox Sports 1's Undisputed sports debate show, lead host Skip Bayless is reportedly turning to a rotating roster of high-profile opponents such as Richard Sherman, Rachel Nichols and even Lil Wayne. Which, what the fuck? But whatever. Neither here nor there.

What we're here to celebrate is how scared little Skippy is of Nick Wright. His Fox Sports colleague who is lightyears better at his job than Skip has ever been at his and is about half of Skip's age. Also not a self-centered, decidedly unlikeable egomaniac. Yes, Wright can be obnoxious with some of his bullshit about the Chiefs. I'm a little more tuned into that as a Bengals fan. Generally though, he's pretty damn good. Can't say I disagree with his series of excellent LeBron-related takes.

Skip, you're 71 years old. Still getting all petty, threatened and paranoid at this point in your career? Whenever I've written about Skip before, it's always been fun to bash on him. Now I almost — to instantly reiterate, almost — feel sorry for him. If he wasn't a schmuck peddling total fucking bullshit all the time for millions of people who inexplicably watch his dumpster-fire programming, I'd have a little more empathy. I'm never entertained on the rare occasions I do catch him droning on about his latest stupid-ass opinion on the Dallas Cowboys. The man strikes me as an unbalanced, borderline sociopathic weirdo.

Reminds me of the Bill Burr joke from Conan about Lance Armstrong. Except at least Armstrong's cycling inspired a lot of humanitarian action. I'm more referring to the punchline about how we got off easy as a society that Armstrong was just a man on a bike, not someone with ulterior motives in a position of corporate power or some shit.

Guess we're lucky Skip isn't doing something more sinister with his particular set of, um, "skills." Meanwhile, Nick Wright seems like a pretty normal dude. Despite our competing NFL fandoms, he'd be cool to hang with I imagine. I'm sure he's laughing his ass off at this report. There's no way he won't see it.

Happened to stumble upon this clip of Wright smoking Skip a while back:

I wonder if Skip watches film, pretending he's an "athlete" and tries to dissect how he can be better when he gets obliterated like this.

You can go through anybody who talks or writes about sports on public record and find a zillion instances where they're wrong about things. Nick Wright would be no exception. The difference with Wright and most normal people is they have the humility and non-strangeness to admit when they gaffed. That ain't how Skip operates.

I don't know what else to say about this matter. Skip trying to duck Wright is objectively hilarious. What makes it so funny is that it's true: Wright would destroy him on a daily basis. That might drive me to tune in every now and then! Ratings at the cost of a bruised ego don't seem high on Skip's priority list. Sad, that.

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